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28 years old
A Sagitarian
Married,with 2 hyperactive boys & a lil princess
Easy-going, affectionate
sometimes emotional,
determined, stubborn,
well-organised, procrastinator

MSN: marcescen@hotmail.com

:AM: :WaTie: :NaNie: :Yanni: :FreOn: :OHno MaNia: :BeBe: :MonYotMoMMy: :EvaRiTa: :Ms DyNaMiTe: :TwinKz: :Trina: :NuWuL: :DiYaNa: :NiSriNa: :iRa: :DiaNa H: :SHeKeeN: :jEtaIme: :HaNeY: :eDDyHaNa: :SyaZaH: :NZ: :aLLuRed: :NuRuL: :sKa: :eLy: :iNsYiRaH: :Kak YaNi: :NoFa: :oNiaTTa: :aFdLin ShAuKi:

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Its her 3rd birthday today..

Happy Birthday Baby girl!
Keep smiling and be happy always..
I love you very much

nuthin else matters... @ 6:43 PM ::

This week would probably be the last week I'm coming to school
As the school holidays are starting at the end of the week.
I should be feeling happy about having that long, long holidays till january comes
But no...I don't.

And today, as the last monday to work
I'm feeling shitty, werst than ever
Could I always blame the day being Monday?
Could it juz happen that Im having a bad day
In fact it could be on any other day
But it happens to fall on Monday?

Whatever it is, what makes the matter werst
I have been arrowed again to do some stuffs
Something I'm not too sure of
Here I am, the great procastinator of all times
Trying to finish up some jobs that I have listed since last week

And instead of getting on with it
I am now trying to pen down my thoughts
In my little space in blogspot
I mean.... I did try to surf for some ideas
After which I failed miserably
And didn't bother to go further

Back to my crappy mood today
I felt that somehow the weekends has got something to do with it
Probably it is sumthing that I can't buy
Or not happy about
The fact that something is not satisfied,
Cause me to wake up at the wrong side on the bed today
And hence the shitty feeling

nuthin else matters... @ 12:40 PM ::

Thursday, November 06, 2008

I was looking through some friends' facebook accounts, looking at some wedding pictures of so and so...and came across blogs of some others...It suddenly reminded me of my own blog. I used to be actively blogging for every little things that happen in my life. Those little things that make me smile once....I opened up another tab on my browser and started typing in my blog addy. I even have to pause for a while to think about what my blog address was. Once I clicked ok, the website appeared almost immediately. It is still there! the same old layout...except that my last entry was updated almost a yr plus ago.
Then another pause. Should I start blogging again?
Now that I have some free time in hand, I could probably afford to throw in a note or two. But I seriously dont think that would last very long.

nuthin else matters... @ 10:00 PM ::

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Now that i think no one's ever gonna read my blog
I probably have slightly less restriction to what i can write about
Things are doing well for me in a certain perspective
In others...hmm..lets not get to that
Wait till ive got the mood to talk about that

Its a Teacher's Day week this week
My school is having teacher's day dinner tonite
I'm kind of looking forward to it
With all the preparation the teachers are doing
Sounds like helluva fun
And free food
Not fun meh?

nuthin else matters... @ 2:09 PM ::

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

While I was sitting down, typing away....setting the bio quiz for my students..
I got bored....and whats the next best thing to do?
Yeah, I surfed the net...heh
I stumbled upon my old blog
Good ol blogspot.....and realised that my last entry was dated in January!
Goodness....how times fly

And as I scrolled down, I found a list of my new year's resolutions
Some I've accomplished...some I didnt...but still not too late
Coz I still have 4 more months to achieve them haha

8 months have passed....so many things happened
Some good...some bad
But I still believed that they happened for a reason
And I need a reason to start writing
I really need an outlet to do that
And bcoz of all that, here I am...back again..blogging
I promised to write more regularly...i hope! hah!

nuthin else matters... @ 12:16 PM ::

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The rock finally speaks!

OK..so who or wat am I talking about
I had this p4 boy for tuition last year
He was pretty quiet most of the time
And because I dun like teaching primary sch kids
Him being quiet juz makes me feel bad
Probably I'm not an exciting teacher

And when his mum begs me to teach him this year
I really wished that I knew how to say no
But of course...I didn't..and take him on
After 2 lessons...he started asking questions
Today our 3rd lesson, he started having conversations with me
He even laff when I tried a joke on him
I'm glad i didn't quit on him
I'm looking forward to having lessons with him every week
Even borrowed a book on related topics for him to read

Probably he's a kind who took a longer time than usual
To get comfy to someone eh?

On another note..
Juz wanna wish my goodfren..
Congrats on the new job!
I'm sure 2007 is a good year for us all!

nuthin else matters... @ 12:07 AM ::

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back to school for the boys
And back to school for me too!

Today is my 2nd day in NIE
Had not made friends yet
But i bump into a contract teacher i knew at Si Ling Sec
She will be doing Eng Lang and Eng Lit
Apart from that..we do the education studies together

My timetable is not so bad yet
So thats why i'm still blogging ahah
Everything seems good
except the journey to NIE
But then again, I've endured the same
When i was at SP and NUS
So better not complain

Other than that i do feel a bit old
As the other trainee teachers are all so young
Fresh from university type
And also a bit rusty
Need to do more readings from now on

nuthin else matters... @ 9:39 PM ::

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

the wrapping season
not the gifts..

But.. the school books hehe
This time round, I have 2 sets of books to wrap....
Juz got back from their school this morning..
Got the books..
Paid the fees...
Got new stationeries for them...w old pencil cases though heh

The books

The stationeries

nuthin else matters... @ 11:39 PM ::